Friday, December 20, 2019

Analysis Of George Orwell s 1984 - 1544 Words

We live in a world of technology. It surrounds us like a cloud or a blanket of information and connectivity. Every day governments around the world are using more private surveillance tactics. The US government is heavily tapping into this cloud of information and the public s privacy is being reduced and we are inching closer and closer to constant, total surveillance. In George Orwell’s novel 1984, those who aren’t living on the street live under constant surveillance. Those fortunate enough to live in one of the decrepit apartment buildings sacrifice their privacy and their freedom, while working for the government that controls them. Telescreens monitor everything, while people are forced to live in awful conditions.†¦show more content†¦When these sites were publicly questioned to whether or not they participated in blanket civilian monitoring programs they were all similarly grossly offended, yet they offer any data on any specific person the government r equested if they desire to cooperate or if it is required by law. All of them responded with the same information, just formatted differently. For example; CEO Mark Zuckerberg, stated Facebook is not and has never been part of any program to give the U.S. or any other government direct access to our servers. The government reports that they never collect data on its country citizens from any source automatically, nor in bulk. This is due to the fact that company lawyers must review the request for the information and so on. Lack of full access to these sites doesn’t rule out the possibility that our government is collecting data from its citizens inside the country on a semi constant stream via these sites. All of the sites aforementioned and many more sell huge amounts of customer data to advertisers and anyone else they chose to do business with, they have no current lawful obligation to disclose whom they do business with or any of aforementioned business. Is the government collecting this information 24/7 without court order, without regulation? It is not currently possible to know. The government is passing more laws giving internet providers explicit access to its user’s data, and legalizingShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of George Orwell s 1984848 Words   |  4 PagesCritical Analysis In the George Orwell’s novel 1984, much of the society is watched and have no privacy of any kind. Every person in the Party is under surveillance. In effect, these people cannot live freely and independently, but it seems to be an impossible task because of of the Party surveillance, and how they limit thinking and manipulate reality. We can similarly see these concerns and their effects in today s society and the ways the novel also acts as a warning for the future. In 1984 a manRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 19841423 Words   |  6 PagesIn the novel 1984 by George Orwell, the Party has many strategies and tactics that help them have complete control of the people of Oceania. The control the Party has maintained gives them the ability to manipulate people as a result. The Party takes away the people’s freedom to have a say in their government and become their own person. They use their power to an extreme against the people rather than to help the people. The Party takes advantage of every opportunity to instill fear in the citizensRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 1984 949 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"1984† is a story which takes place in what was then the future of England. The book illustrates a dystopian society in which a government figure named â€Å"Big Brother† rules above all. The country is surrounded by eyes so to speak, devices called â€Å"telescreens† are in houses and buildings to monitor wha t all of the citizens are doing via camera. Coupled with that is the existence of the â€Å"Thought Police† whose sole job is to monitor citizens from committing â€Å"thoughtcrime† which is essentially thinkingRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 1984 923 Words   |  4 Pages1984, is a book written by George Orwell giving the reader a view of what a dystopian government would be like. The government of Oceania controls the lives of it’s citizens; posters of a figure known as â€Å"Big Brother† are seen all over and emphasize that he is always watching it’s citizens. The government enforces rules and regulations amongst it’s citizens, restricting them from giving their own opinion or even opposing the government. Thoughtcrime, face crime, and double think are all strictlyRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 19841450 Words   |  6 PagesThose familiar with George Orwell’s â€Å"1984† will recall that â€Å"Newspeak was de signed not to extend but to diminish the range of thought.† I recently felt the weight of this Orwellian ethos when many of my students sent emails to inform me, and perhaps warn me, that my name appears on the Professor Watchlist, a new website created by a conservative youth group known as Turning Point USA. I could sense the gravity in those email messages, a sense of relaying what is to come. The Professor Watchlist’sRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 19841377 Words   |  6 Pagesvarious types of governments, such include democracy, oligarchy, and more specifically, totalitarian. A totalitarian government gains extensive amounts of control and power over all of their people, and dominate over every aspect of their lives. George Orwell’s â€Å"1984,† conveys to its readers how the government presented totalitarianism and obtained control over their citizens. This action by the government compares to the massacre of the Holocaust, which portrayed the act of totalitarianism by aiming discriminationRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 19841029 Words   |  5 Pages Imagine a world where everything you knew had to be forgotten, and you knew nothing more then what was being told to you. In George Orwell’s book 1984 this is exactly the case. Winston Smith, a m iddle aged man, lives a life already planned for him. Smith works at the Ministry of Truth rewriting the news and other articles to follow the teachings of Big Brother. Big Brother is the leader of Oceania, one of three world powers, and aims to rewrite the past to control the present. Oceania is separatedRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 1984 Essay1127 Words   |  5 Pagesfirst civilizations of mankind, yet it is difficult find one that is perfect even till today. George Orwell shows an example of this within 1984. 1984 was written based on what Orwell thought the government would be like in 1984. He used his personal knowledge and experience with the government to create his story. The setting of 1984 is set in a superstate where there is a totalitarian government. Within 1984 and the 21st century one major key stands out: corruption rules both governments. Trust isRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 19841026 Words   |  5 PagesIn 1984, by George Orwell violence contributed to the plot by having three stages of reintegration. The stages are to learn, understand, and to accept, Winston was forced to learn that 2+2=5 under torture, understanding that the party is good, and seeks power for its own. Winston accepts and understands the Party and Big Brother as soon as Winston wishes the burden of torture on someone else who he loves, and to learn that Big Brother is eternal and that 2+2=5, Winston then is committed and loyalRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 1984 1122 Words   |  5 Pagesfreedom. A growing debate concerning Orwell’s 1984 relevancy is quickly on the rise. Orwell’s fear of a totalitarian society led him to write this book as he lived during the totalitarian movement in Russia. The fear of a totalitarian society spreading sparked his fear and wrote this book to make people understand that it is not benef icial to society. I feel that with the the National Security Agency in the United States, the issue and relevancy of 1984 has never been higher. The public is discovering

Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Concept of Surface Area of a Cube Essay Sample free essay sample

The accomplishments required for finishing the undertaking are mensurating. sawing ( cutting ) . attaching. sleep togethering. picture. A regular hexahedron has 6 faces viz. the 4 side faces. the top and bottom. All the faces are equal in size. We need to do the sides and attach them to do the regular hexahedron. 6 sheets of 3ft. ten 3ft. are required to do the regular hexahedron of size 3ft ten 3ft ten 3ft. We have 3 sheets of 3ft x 6ft to do the 6 sheets. Each sheet has to be cut into two sheets of 3ft ten 3ft. The sheet has to be cut parallel to the shorter side in the mid of the longer side. The following occupation is attaching these sides to do the box. Epoxy is applied to the borders of each cut sheet to attach them. First we take two sheets apply epoxy to their borders and put them perpendicular to land and to each other. We will write a custom essay sample on The Concept of Surface Area of a Cube Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We can utilize a support ( like a stool or chair ) to maintain them in topographic point. We do the same to two other sheets. We have to let them to dry for 15 proceedingss for the epoxy to settle. These two perpendicular pieces will be the sides of the box. After 15 proceedingss we attach the two perpendicular pieces to organize the side faces of the box. After attaching it should look like the one shown above. After leting the box to dry we attach the bottom piece and let it to dry. The lone thing left is the top. A latch is screwed to the top piece. We attach a flexible joint ( to the opposite border of the latched border ) associating one of the sides of the top and one of the side faces of the regular hexahedron utilizing prison guard. The box is so painted swimmingly on the outside of the regular hexahedron. The clip taken to finish the undertaking is the amount of the times taken to each undertaking if done consecutive. Entire clip = clip taken to do the sheets + clip taken to attach the sheets + clip to attach the latch + clip taken to paint. No. of cuts made = 3 Time to do one cut = 5 min Time to do the sheets = 3 x5min = 15min Time required to dry after using epoxy = 15min No. of fond regards = 2 perpendiculars + fond regard of perpendiculars + fond regard of the underside = 15 + 15 + 15 = 45min ( Both the perpendicularly can be attached at the same time ) Time required to attach the latch and flexible joint = 20min Entire clip required = 15+45+20 = 80min The surface country of a regular hexahedron is sum of countries of all the sides. A regular hexahedron has 6 sides. If a regular hexahedron is unfolded it looks like the undermentioned figure. Clearly there are 6 sides. Entire country = 6 x country of each face ( in a regular hexahedron the country of each side is same ) Area of each side = length of a side x length of side = 3ft x3ft = 9sq. foot Entire country = 6 ten 9sq. ft = 54sq. foot A gallon of pigment covers 150 sq. ft. and costs $ 18. 00. A quart of pigment covers 40 sq. ft. and costs $ 7. 00. We need to cover the whole surface are which is 54sq. ft. One quart can non paint the whole country. We need either two quarts or a gallon of pigment. Cost of a gallon = $ 18 Cost of two quarts = 2 x $ 7 = $ 14 Two quarts is cheaper than a gallon. So it is economical for the pupils to utilize two quarts instead than a gallon. Two quarts of pigment has to be purchased. The concluding box looks like the figure below with a latch.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Buying vs Renting Thesis Statement free essay sample

Renting an apartment is a better option than buying a house. Renting now can make things become a bit easier later. Saving money is what every American wants to do. Buying a home can not only hurt someone financially but it can put them in a bind that can have them paying a bill for the rest of their life. The economy is on a rollercoaster right now so making the decision to buy a home can be a tad bit tricky. Buying a home is not a one time transaction because once you have the home you continue to pay bills such as mortgage fees and cosmetics. Thinking about the money that you may have to come out of is a good enough reason on why you would want to save up money to take care of some of the fees that will occur when making the decision to buy a home. We will write a custom essay sample on Buying vs Renting Thesis Statement or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Renting can put some of these things in someone else’s hands to where you can save the money that is extra from your monthly payment. When renting an apartment you will never have to worry about fixing the toilet, sink, or plumbing because all of those things are paid by the landlord. Skipping these fees leaves more money in your piggy bank expanding your options for your home when you come to that decision. Making the decision to rent now and buy later can also give you enough time to wait on the economy to get stronger which can make buying a home a much smoother process. Rent now and buy later is best technique right now.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Aging Population

Introduction There has been a general trend of increase in the life expectancy of the population of many countries. This has been brought about by the governments taking measures to improve the quality of healthcare. Diseases which used to kill people in large numbers are now much more reduced; thus, the reduced mortality may be a factor that contributes to the increase in the proportion of the aged group.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Aging Population specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, there has also been reduced fertility of the people who live in most developed countries. Though in most developing countries the fertility rate is still high, these countries are expected to experience reduced fertility rates gradually until they reach a point where most of the population will comprise of mainly the aged. Improvement in the healthcare systems of developing nations also leads to reduced mortality, the reby making the aged to comprise a sizeable population of the nations. However, increase in the aged population creates many economic and social conditions which government must be able to anticipate and devise mechanisms to help solve the issues. Challenges posed by an aging population The aging population poses many different challenges. Here we discuss the challenges posed by an aging population with four perspectives in mind. Impacts on labour Impacts on healthcare Impacts on government spending Impacts on labour The increase in the proportion of the people who are old leads to a decrease of the number of people who are within the working age. This greatly affects the labour market of the concerned countries. Generally, the working age is approximately 15-64 years; and as the ratio of the aged population increases, the number of people who are retiring increases. However, the number of people who join employment to fill the vacancy left by the retired people is less than the n umber of people who have left employment. This decline is due to the low fertility rates of the population (Groshen and Kliitgaard, 2002, p 2). This leads to a reduction of the workforce which is available to for economic development. Another important dimension to the problem is the fact that since most of the workforce is occupied by the aged leads to reduced output. This reduced output of the workers ultimately leads to reduced economic growth Impacts on government spending The aged population does not normally work for the government; they mainly depend on the social services provided by the government. These social services provided by the government are mainly the social security services and pension schemes as well as medical insurance cover targeting mainly the old population.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The pension given to the old is normally funded by the people w ho are in active employment; that is, the contribution that the working population makes to the scheme is used to pay the benefits of the retired people, a system known as the Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG). Therefore, reduction in the number of people who join employment leads to a reduction in the funds available to cater for pension fund payments. Given that the proportion of people who are leaving employment through retirement is expected to increase greatly especially when the population which was born during the baby boom (1946-1964) reaches the retirement age (Zaidi, 2008, p 7), the government would be forced to look for funds from alternative sources. Therefore, the increased ageing increases the number of people who depend on the government to cater for expenses. Medical insurance provided for the old is mainly categorized into two groups; Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare is specifically designed to help the provision of healthcare to people who are 65 years and above, and covers the cost of in-patient healthcare. Medicaid covers medical expenses of the poor regardless of whether they are aged or not. It mainly covers for long-term and severe ailments of them. However, the main burden of the government due to Medicaid is the fact that most of the citizens in the middle-class do not have a sizeable saving to protect them from any health eventuality when they are old. These people will use all their assets in case of any eventuality, making them to qualify for Medicaid and leading them to be admitted into nursing homes. However the increase in the cost of social insurance for the aged specifically medicare an medicaid has attracted so much political debate with the government being urged to curtail the increase so as to reduce the financial burden of the policies. Impact of an aging population on healthcare The aged people are usually faced with many ailments due to reduced ability of the body to fight against certain diseases. The diseases of old age are mainly d ue to the physiological and psychological changes which have occurred over time. These diseases include depression and certain types of cancer, among others; therefore, these people will occupy more bed space in hospitals. In addition, the aged population requires specialized care and hence more attention to be provided by the nurse or doctor. Increase in the population of this people will therefore demand the deployment of more doctors and nurses in the hospitals; however, some of the aged people can be taken care of in nursing homes for the elderly. But due to the shortage of nursing homes, these people end up being hospitalized; leading to overstretching of the available facilities (Willis, 2008, p 26) .This increases the government spending on healthcare issues if it does not take appropriate measures.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Aging Population specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Nevertheless, increas e in the government spending in order to meet financial obligation posed by the increased aged population will lead to increased government debt if the government does not take effective measures to avert the problem. Government measures In order to address the problem of reduced workforce due to an aging population, most governments enacted policies which encourage people to work longer. This measure will help in increasing the number of people who retire late and thereby help in reducing the government’s financial obligations towards the old (Groshen and Kliitgaard 2002 p 3). Moreover, increased dependency also makes the government to increase taxes so as to cater for its financial obligations towards the old. The government has set up measures to ensure that the aged continue to enjoy quality lifestyles even after retirement. These measures include setting up Medicaid, Medicare, Disability, Welfare and Supplemental Security Income. Due to the extra financial burden of meet ing the cost of social security of people, the government has proposed an increase in the age that the social security fund can be fully accessed. This reduces the term that a person will receive the benefits, thereby reducing the money that the government spends on social security (Aaron and Orszag, n.d). Most governments have devised methods to reduce the money paid to the old as social security. This may be in the form of changing the methods used to increase the social security of the old so as to protect them from the effects of inflation. Some governments have also increased the retirement age so that people work longer, hence reducing the dependency on the government’s social welfare services. The governments have also devised methods of improving the fertility rates so as to counter the challenge of reduced labour force posed by increase in old age population. The government does so in various ways; for instance, the government may give cash bonuses to encourage peopl e to have more children, as well as encouraging immigration. These immigrants should be young than the mean age of the current population, who will be able to enhance the existing workforce (Foot, 2008, p 3). Benefits of an aging population Despite the fact that the aging population poses real economic problems to the government, the impacts of an aging population are somehow exaggerated. The aging population may indeed be of benefit to the government if government is able to cope properly with the problems and put appropriate measures.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The older generation who are richer than the rest of the community can get involved in community voluntary activities hence helping in improving the quality of life of the society. In addition, older generation people are also more law abiding than the young people; therefore, the increase in the population will lead to reduced crime as the older generation does not get involved in crime per se (Quadagno, 2010) Due to the fact that an older generation leads to general reduction in population, the presence of a large proportion helps to combat high population growth and hence reduce the effects of uncontrolled population growth. There will be a reduction in the problems of poor housing due to overcrowding as the aged population will be able to afford decent housing. This will have reduced impact of the problems that overcrowding causes on the environment. Moreover the aged population is also likely to get involved in voluntary activities some of which may be of benefit to the environ ment (Quadagno, 2010) Lack of enough manpower in the labour market is also likely to lead to a reduction in the levels of unemployment and hence reduces the problems associated with unemployment. These include the reduction of poverty levels and crime associated with unemployed population. The increase in the aged population may also lead to reduced government spending on education, a major expense of that the government always foots (Quadagno, 2010). Conclusion The economic recession made governments to think of ways to cut back on their spending pattern. Therefore, since increase in ageing population increases the financial burden of the government, the government must devise appropriate mechanisms to deal with the problem. Moreover, if the government properly understands the problems, it can be able to turn around the phenomenon so that it may be of more benefit to the whole nation. This is mainly through the enactment of proper legislation to help cope with the risks posed by th e problems. Moreover, the most effective way of combating the problem would be through the gradual increase in the retirement age of the workforce to cope with the problem. References Aaron, H. J. and Orszag, P. R. (N.d). The impact of an aging population. Web. Foot, D. K. (2008). Some economic and social consequences of population ageing. Web. Groshen, L. E. and Kliitgaard, T. (2002). Live long and prosper: challenges ahead for an aging population. Current issues in economics and finance, Vol. 8, No. 2. Web. Quadagno, J. (2011). Aging and the life course: An introduction to social gerontology. Boston: MA: McGraw-Hill. Willis, E. and Reynolds, L. (2008). Understanding the Australian Health Care System. NSW: Elsevier. Zaidi, A. (2008). Features and challenges of population ageing: the European perspective. Web. This essay on The Aging Population was written and submitted by user Giancarlo Z. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on The Kiss

like dark, and heavy to describe the man; describing the position and action of his hands and arms with phrases like caught her, holds her still, and make her turn implies force. Thus, Ferlinghetti establishes the man as an active threat. He is imposing himself on the woman, so gently so insistently and yet his urgent hunger seems wild and animal like. By contrast, Ferlinghetti assigns a defensive and somehow helpless quality to t... Free Essays on The Kiss Free Essays on The Kiss In literature, there is a constant use of various literary devices. Imagery is a literary device that uses the patterns of related comparative aspects of language in literary work. In â€Å"Short Story on a Painting of Gustav Klimt†, Lawrence Frelinghetti uses imagery to develop the poem’s tone, feeling, self impression, and meaning. Lawrence Frelinghetti describes how the colors of the poem contributeto the meaning of the literary work. The colors in Gustav’s Klimt The Kiss spin around the two figures in the painting, catching the eye and drawing the reader in with their wild necessity. Two lovers’ robes shape the couple into a single body, pushed together and pulled upward by the empty space that surrounds them, held up by the bed of colorful flowers they rest upon. The dark colors in the man’s robe emerge almost invisibly into the brighter, clearer colors of the woman’s. The figures are overwhelmed by the richness of their clothing. Therefore, Ferlinghetti touches briefly upon the couple’s garments – he describes the man’s â€Å" robe/checkered with /dark squares,† and the woman’s â€Å"long dress made/of multicolored blossoms/quilted on gold.† Both of these descriptions support the poet’s argument for the man’s locomotive power and the woman’s passivity. The harlequin robe denotes the hero and his flashy mo vements in the painting. The woman, on the other hand, is weighed down by her multi-colored dress, which is made of â€Å" †¦blossoms quilted on gold.† Using words like dark, and heavy to describe the man; describing the position and action of his hands and arms with phrases like caught her, holds her still, and make her turn implies force. Thus, Ferlinghetti establishes the man as an active threat. He is imposing himself on the woman, so gently so insistently and yet his urgent hunger seems wild and animal like. By contrast, Ferlinghetti assigns a defensive and somehow helpless quality to t...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Consumer behavior Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Consumer behavior - Assignment Example Perspectives of economics of information emphasize on the importance of advertising as means of product disposal. Advertising changes perception either positively or negatively. Those that bring out a negative perception are often worked on through corrective advertising. Companies are able to acquire market access through advertising although factors such as culture jamming and counterfeiting have been a hindrance to the advertising success of many companies. Advertising further contributes to quality assurance which is guaranteed through total quality management. In recent times advertising has improved through increased media literacy. Though advertising increases sales, consumers still need to be protected (CIEM, 1). Legislation relating to consumers in America focuses on factors such as consumer protection from fraud and deception among other things. Other laws address the need of business ethics and control conscientious consumerism. An example of American legislation that relates to consumers is the need for corporates to carry out corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a way of giving back to the community. Another example is protection of consumers against false advertising and exploitation. Social marketing is the process through which distinct set of activities are used to influence and maintain people’s behaviour. The consequential behaviour aimed at benefiting the general community is supposed to be sustainable. This approach depends on transformative consumer research (TCR) for its effectiveness and is applicable in different social areas such as health and commerce. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), is an example in America that has used this approach. They discourage people from purchasing products made out of natural fur through public campaigns with the aim of protecting animals. A poll was conducted among ten drivers of different ages. The poll sought to determine whether respondents would