Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Diversity Essay - 586 Words

By the year 2050, nonwhites will represent close to half of the U.S. population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau projections. By 2005, the ethnic minority share of the workforce is expected to grow to 28 percent, up from 18 percent in 1980 and 22 percent in 1990. Although the African American population is now the largest minority group, the Hispanic and Asian populations are growing much faster. In 1994, the African American population was estimated to be 33 million, or 12.7 percent of the total population, up from 11.7 percent in 1980. By 2025, African Americans are expected to represent 14 percent of the total. The Hispanic population is 10 percent of the total U.S. population in 1994, it is projected to be†¦show more content†¦As a result of these demographic changes as stated above, the ability of us as future business leaders to attract, recruit, and develop a qualified workforce from diverse populations will become critical for business survival. As managers, especially in today’s fast paced business environment we have little time to assess the impact of diversity efforts. Organizations are under pressure to improve the product and services they provide to customers, with greater accountability for achieving results, for reduced cycle time, and at a lower cost. So, as managers how do we manage diversity? I believe, that understanding and achieving diversity is the key to understanding the complex demands society and the marketplace place on businesses today. I also believe, when organizations leverage the contributions of their total workforce, they not only survive they succeed. So, how do we get there? Experience has shown, programs that work have taken time to develop and communicate the vision have the most success. I personally, as a manager and future business leader will be shaping messages and keeping diversity at the forefront of the minds of my peers and rank and file employees. I will also spend time learning about workforce diversity and how it affects bottom line success, this means tying diversity into the bottom line corporate strategic issues. For diversity to succeed it must be seen as inseperable from stategic issues. I think oneShow MoreRelatedDiversity And Diversity For A Company873 Words   |  4 PagesDiversity is a key contributor in today’s workforce. Many factors effect diversity and there are guidelines a company can follow to ensure it is diverse. Diversity and inclusion can be tools to create a competitive advantage for a company and can help solve issues by looking at problems from different perspectives. It also contributes to the employees by allowing for work with many types of people. 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